Several months prior to the hearing, we met with Cynthia and formed a plan to obtain her Social Security Disability benefits. Prior to Cynthia’s hearing, our office requested medical records from the CHAS Clinic, The Rockwood Clinic, and obtained a physician’s opinion from Cynthia’s treating doctor. Cynthia was represented by attorney Keith Kinzebach at her disability hearing.
Cynthia testified at her disability hearing that she had worked in medical billing and as an escrow agent up until her lupus, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain became too unbearable, as she was constantly sick and unable to make it to work. Cynthia also stated that even if she did make it to work, she had to take extra breaks frequently. At home, Cynthia reported that she relied on her son, Connor, to do all of her household chores and shopping.
A medical expert appeared by phone at Cynthia’s disability hearing. The medical expert testified, based on a review of the records and physician opinion, and stated that the combination of all of Cynthia’s problems would make it virtually impossible to complete an entire work day. The medical expert further expounded that, in his opinion, Cynthia would need more than the required “two breaks” that employers allowed in a typical workday.
Upon the conclusion of testimony, the Administrative Law Judge agreed with the findings of the medical expert and approved Cynthia’s claim for Social Security Disability benefits.